Welcome to Bognor Regis Bowls Club
The green opens Saturday 20th April and our season starts on the 27th with our first match being President v Captains which is always good fun and enjoyed by all.
If your looking for a new sport/hobby or a bowler new to the area? Our Bowls England Open Day on May 27th at 10.00am please come along for a free session of bowls coaching, a roll up match with club members in the afternoon for those who are really keen to take the next step to playing for a club.
In between we will be kept very busy with our various inter-club matches, leagues games, County competitions and of course our own Club Competitions, PC Cup, the Holbrook Cup & the Midhurst Cup Competition, all this and not taking into account any Open Day invitations that we enter ? Will we have time to go home!!
Royalty Returned to Bognor Regis
Centenary Year 1923 - 2023

Bowls England Photo Gallery of a great day